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Caregivers Elmhurst Hospital Family Rooms Family Stories
While Marcellus Was Fighting and Gaining Strength in the NICU
At NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where every beep from a machine holds weight, and each medical update tugs at the heartstrings of worried parents, one new mother, Natalie found herself navigating an emotional whirlwind. Her son, Marcellus, had been born prematurely and was fighting for his life. Caught in a storm of uncertainty and hope, Natalie discovered an unexpected sanctuary that would become her refuge—the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Elmhurst.
Mes de Sensibilización sobre el Cáncer Infantil: Conozca a Emanuel
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Spotlight: Meet Emanuel
Emanuel and his family’s journey through pediatric cancer brought them face to face with unimaginable challenges including financial fears, family separation, and a cancer plaguing a seven-year-old boy that just seemed to keep growing. Like many other families navigating similar crises, they discovered that the support they needed extended far beyond medical care.
Family Stories Wellness Programs
Because Moments Make Memories
Why We Should All Learn to Play Like Abdiel
Yet, Abdiel is not your typical two-year-old. The boy’s life has been a constant barrage of doctors, diagnoses and NICU nurses. Any person who was in a constant cycle of those types of interruptions would not necessarily think of that time as anything other than hard work.
However, Abdiel just calls it playtime.
Caregivers Directors Families Family Stories Kids
Por Qué Todos Deberíamos Aprender a Jugar Como Abdiel
Children & Family Family Stories Fundraising Programs
Honoring Sonya and Family at the 30th Annual Skate with the Greats
As the anticipation mounts for the 30th Annual Skate with the Greats, a ten-year-old firecracker named Sonya's remarkable journey comes into focus. Her story, defined by courage and determination, is a source of inspiration. Exactly the type of inspiration that Ronald McDonald House New York’s events throughout the year are built upon.
Children & Family Families Family Stories
Beyond the Diagnosis: A 9-year-old Tale of Resilience at RMH-NY
Caregivers Elmhurst Hospital Family Rooms Family Stories
Ronald McDonald Family Room Snapshot: Viviana, Victor, and Family
Viviana's recounting of their journey revealed a story of resilience and enduring love. Originating from Venezuela and currently residing in a shelter, they faced daily challenges. However, faced with adversity, the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Elmhurst served as a place of genuine comfort and true kindness toward the family.
Caregivers Family Stories Wellness Programs
RMH-NY Family Update: Casey and Andrew Continue to Shine
Casey and Andrew's story unfolded at Ronald McDonald House New York in 2022. Facing the challenges of neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that primarily affects young children, the family's resilience became evident during their prolonged stay at the House.