When you Adopt a Room at RMH-NY, you give the gift of comfort to families staying far away from home, providing a familiar, welcoming space to come home to after a long day of treatment.

We are much more than our bricks and mortar. After a long day at the hospital filled with chemotherapy, radiation treatment or surgery, a family, including siblings and their young child battling pediatric cancer—can return to the House, where our volunteers and staff are waiting to provide a hot meal, a friendly, huggable therapy dog, and age appropriate activities for all. When you walk in our doors, you see the hope that emanates from those that call this House, “Home.”

In 2017, we completed a large capital renovation of the House to meet the changing needs of our families. Through this renovation, we added 11 new family guest rooms, including 6 post-transplant suites—the first of their kind in New York City—and alleviated issues related to heating and cooling our home. At full occupancy most nights of the year, we can now accommodate almost 400 guests daily at our one-of-a-kind residence.

We depend on our generous donors to help meet the diverse programmatic, social, and emotional needs of our growing population. Through our Ronald McDonald House New York Adopt-the-House Program, you can help provide shelter, compassion, and hope to children and families battling pediatric cancer.


More Information

Richard Martin
Chief of Development

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